Bakotu i Kombo-St. Mary Area

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2 Kotu Stream Road, PO Box 532, Banjul, Kombo-St. Mary Area, The Gambia
Kontakter telefon: +220 446 5555
Latitude: 13.4638804, Longitude: -16.7032746
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Kommentar 5

  • Gaston Fonville

    Gaston Fonville


    Wonderfull place to stay with good staff

  • Pepijn van Soest

    Pepijn van Soest


    Having an apartment with a plain simple bath/bed-room but a great view at the Kotu bridge from the balcony. It's a separate building apart from the hotel but guarded at night. You see the monkeys and several kinds of birds like falcon's and vultures. The entrance to the beach is merely 100 meters away where you will have to cross a square filled with shops and restaurants. We loved it.

  • caroline jonker

    caroline jonker


    Fine place to be! Friendly and helpfull staf. Beautifull garden. Love to sit by Skippers terace in the afternoon. Boulevard of Kotu! The garden is peacefull of Bakotu Hotel. Monkey, birds, turtlles and a big lizard!

  • Jon Park

    Jon Park


    Nice hotel just a few hundred yards from a sandy beach.Friendly helpful staff.

  • Fredrik Ingesson

    Fredrik Ingesson


    Wonderful hotel with great food, we upgraded to half board on the first day after talking to other guests and trying the food. If you like your food more spicy than what they usually make it for tourists you just ask and they will make it hotter. The hotel is nice and clean with wonderful staff that always is checking in on you, do not forget to give them a tip as they are worth more than they make. Their gardeners make a great job keeping the garden inside the hotel full of plants and flowers so there is allways a nice place to get away from the other guests and just relax a bit, don't forget to watch your fruits thou as a monkey may be fast to relive you of it.

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