Calypso Beach bar i Bakau

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Cape Point, Bakau, Gambia
Kontakter telefon: +220
Latitude: 13.483896, Longitude: -16.6643178
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Kommentar 5

  • Karsten Schulz

    Karsten Schulz


    War in der Nachsaison da! Nicht viel los und recht unfreundliches Personal. Fragen wurden nur widerwillig beantwortet. Sonst sehr schön gelegen und ordentlich. Preise deutlich überhöht . Das kann auch die Lage nicht gut machen! Die Anlage wirkt gepflegt und sauber. Vielleicht ist das Personal in der Saison auch zugänglicher.

  • Alastair Stewart

    Alastair Stewart


    The staff are incredibly helpful, friendly and efficient. The food is excellent as is the beer and wine. A wonderful place to chill out and be amazed by the numerous beautiful birds and wildlife right by your table. One of the best restaurants /bars in The Gambia. Just returned from another 2 week trip to Gambia, visited the Calypso every evening and dined there 9 times. Although very quiet (it,s off season) the same very high standards are being maintained and the food was wonderful. Definitely worth a 5 star rating

  • simone hazelaar

    simone hazelaar


    Gezellige bar restaurant aan het strand. Bijzonder om 4 uur smiddags worden de krokodillen gevoerd. Sinds een aantal jaren zitten er hier krols op het strand. Deze worden al vanaf het begin gevoerd met vis. Leuk om te zien. Daarnaast geweldige vogels om te spotten op deze plek. Eten erg lekker.

  • Rosie C

    Rosie C


    Lunch in a very interesting setting, overlooking a waterhole teeming with crocodiles (and some interesting birds too). Very friendly and attentive service. The Calypso Burger was great!

  • Bill Lovett

    Bill Lovett


    It is out of the way, but the immediate location is great. It is not a cheap place to eat at. But they key virtue is the brackish pool where at least a dozen crocodiles bask. The staff feed the crocs at 4. There are a good variety of birds to see there too. The staff are not intrusive. You can see the sea too and it's right by the beach.

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