Jankey Jobe's Memorial Restaurant i Banjul

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Banjul, The Gambia
Kontakter telefon: +220 773 0553
Latitude: 13.455276, Longitude: -16.5760648
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Kommentar 2

  • H. Rohan Nair

    H. Rohan Nair


    Very happy to find this place! Spotlessly clean, overhead fans working well, cold drinks and water in the fridge, a small neat deli and menu of prepared food. Caters to locals too so the prices are not rip off. Had the chicken Domoda (groundnut sauce) with corn (?)meal. The oily preparation may or may not be to non African tastes but the chicken itself was of excellent quality and very meaty. WC SPOTLESSLY CLEAN.

  • David Degner

    David Degner


    It is a clean and efficient cafeteria with only a few good items. It is the best restaurant in the city. The food is consistently good, with very reasonable prices. Probably my favorite thing is the lack of advertising or pretense in the place. You have to love the name.

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