Laico Atlantic Banjul i Banjul

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Marina Parade, Banjul, The Gambia
Kontakter telefon: +220 422 8601
Latitude: 13.45892, Longitude: -16.57834
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew Pototschnik

    Andrew Pototschnik


    The Internet, phone and printer don’t work. 5 Stars - It’s Gambia.

  • Xx Xxx

    Xx Xxx


    Been to Laico once but it was an average experience mostly because of a poor and long service. Otherwise the room was fine and the hotel has direct access to a huge and clean beach

  • David Degner

    David Degner


    A very nice looking hotel. But it is especially great because if you look like a tourist you can lounge around and use the free WiFi. I'd suggest the "ATLANTIC FRONT" hotspot near the pool.

  • Chris



    Great hotel and beach. Staff the friendliest I've found anywhere. Couldn't do enough to help. In house entertainment was a lot of fun including water polo (of sorts), volleyball quizzes and bingo. Something for all ages and abilities and the African dance group were exceptional. Never would have thought of Gambia as a holiday destination, our stay here changed all that.

  • Kris Eale E.

    Kris Eale E.


    I left after a night. The hotel is on renovation and basic services are not existing at this time. They have a great infrastructure and I believe will have a great future!

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