Lamin Lodge i Occidental

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Kontakter telefon: +220
Latitude: 13.393617, Longitude: -16.6244495
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Kommentar 5

  • Hetty Jousma

    Hetty Jousma


    Leuke middag gehad in Lamin Lodge. Eerst koffie gedronken met een oliebol erbij. Er zijn heel veel oesters die binnenkort geoogst worden. Veel vogels gezien tijdens de boottocht.

  • Bill Lovett

    Bill Lovett


    Strange looking place seemingly in the middle of.nowhere. Very interesting. Your boats will go out from here, and the mangrove swamps will be interesting, if you like that sort of thing. Good breakfast considering the location. The birds, they can be good, but it varies according to season and.time of day.

  • Bella Hu

    Bella Hu


    Quiet treehouse get-a-way in the mangroves of the bay outside of Lamin town. It's not a lodge per say; they don't provide beds or rooms for people to stay overnight. It's a gathering place for interesting characters, both Gambian and tourist. Drinks are decently priced and usually cold, food is average and overpriced. Come for the views and a couple of drinks; maybe a boat ride if you have the money to spend.

  • Juana Rosa Medina Ojeda

    Juana Rosa Medina Ojeda


    Los monos entraban a la cocina del restaurante

  • beni ramos

    beni ramos


    De documental, tranquilo y pintoresco

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