National Museum i Banjul

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Banjul, Gambia
Kontakter telefon: +220
Latitude: 13.4556579, Longitude: -16.5758555
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Kommentar 5

  • Susanne Sjöblom

    Susanne Sjöblom


    Mysigt litet museum. Lite historia om landet, slavhandeln, djurlivet, kläder och instrument.

  • David Degner

    David Degner


    In interesting museum of a museum. Most of the exhibits seem to be dug out of closets, glued to the wall in the 1970s and barely dusted since then. It is amazing in all the interesting little details. The text is incisive with snippets like "Senegambians consider the Fulbe women to be some of the most beautiful women in West Africa" It covers a lot of subjects and eras from prehistoric to post-colonial. With a room devoted to musical instruments, enviroment, and a few other random subjects.

  • Aleksandr Filippenko

    Aleksandr Filippenko


    Very cozy museum. Not big one, but interesting. Очень уютный музей. Не большой, но интересный.

  • Zore75s Shallow

    Zore75s Shallow


    Ignore banjul itself but this museum is very good. Small but gives a good insight into the peoples and cultures of gambia. Would def recommend

  • Whirlwind Mlp

    Whirlwind Mlp


    A really nice place to go on for a school field trip! I just went and it was amazing! Lots of history! The building was a little bit run down though.

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