Hotel Ocean Bay i Bakau

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Bakau, Gambia
Kontakter telefon: +220 449 4265
Latitude: 13.4849341, Longitude: -16.6663456
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Kommentar 5

  • Abdallah Jagne

    Abdallah Jagne


    Great place. Great food and drinks. Great people

  • Juliet Kelly

    Juliet Kelly


    Lovely hotel, fantastic staff. Beautiful setting on beach. Electricity a bit unreliable but it’s Gambia! A wonderful country and probably the best place to stay in it!

  • simone hazelaar

    simone hazelaar


    Geweldig hotel. Mooi strand. Mooie ruime kamers. Leuke beachbar en de beste pizza's.

  • Alastair Stewart

    Alastair Stewart


    This is advertised as a 5 star hotel - it must be some kind of Gambian rating system because there is no way this would be classified as five star in Europe or USA . The rooms are are tired, you can see daylight round the external door frame. The toilet /shower room door wouldn't stay shut because the door didn't fit properly. There was supposed to be a double bed but it was two singles pushed together - one of which had a short leg that had to be wedged up. On 3 consecutive nights I had to go searching for towels for my room as none had been left. That having been said the staff are very helpful and friendly and the grounds are very well kept. The air con works well.

  • Debbie Sherreard

    Debbie Sherreard


    Nice hotel but needs to get some things a bit slicker. Good service and smiley staff but they left us with no towels on at least a couple of occasions as they weren't back from the launderette and ran out of beer at the bar a couple of times after happy hour. Some rooms are beautiful but others really in need if being done up. So nice hotel, beautiful beach and good staff but the management and planning needs a bit if sorting.

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