Badala Park Hotel i Serrekunda

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Serrekunda, The Gambia
Kontakter telefon: +220 446 0400
Latitude: 13.4584261, Longitude: -16.7054361
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Kommentar 5

  • Elaine Okoro

    Elaine Okoro


    This place is a health hazard.Old falling down,roof leaks so electric and water dangerous.No imagination on the breakfast front sausages are cut up into small sausages??.Same breakfast everyday no variation.Bed bugs as beds some have no mattereress but foam and felt,no bed protector.Manager has no customer skills and believes the hotel be protected above customer service.Only nice thing was the Gambian pancake and other staff who try to make your staff pleasant.But upgrade on many levels hotel,furnishers,customer service skills.I would NOT recommend to anyone even if I didn't like you!!.

  • Alan Blunt

    Alan Blunt


    Helpful staff, however the hotel is very run down and in need of refurbishment.

  • Tasha C

    Tasha C


    Stayed here with my 3 kids it was clean comfortable and staff were lovely kids enjoy ed the breakfast that was included and I would most definatly come back when I return to gambia

  • Shiela Thompson

    Shiela Thompson


    Staff make this place food not good everything expensive needs good clean and refurbishment food manager asks guests for money all the time security boss uses whacky backy

  • Debbie Evans

    Debbie Evans


    Basic hotel, a bit scruffy but clean. Most staff are friendly and helpful but don't let Thomas Cook tell you it's a luxury hotel

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